Nighttime sketch of the Comune at Piazza del Campo, Siena

Nighttime sketch of the Comune at Piazza del Campo Siena

A colored pencil sketch of the city hall of Siena, Tuscany after dinner with Laura Ann, as night falls on the city. The tourists of the afternoon have cleared the square and the Senese now stroll the piazza as I sketch the façade in the coppery city light. This image represents the slaying of a subject that I had always wanted to revisit since spring 1992 (see s45b0a17, s45b0a18). Produced 8 April 2002 = Tayya 6870, six dozen eighth phase (Añikça-Kaxtivansal Xrga, “Life Phase of the Journey to Paradise”).

This page last modified Friday 6 April 2012.