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s7836The Rykami Argam Sketchbook |
These tables serve to study the multiples of powers of small primes. The header for each table indicates the primes studied, with the x-axis generally representing a range of powers of two, and the y-axis representing a range of powers of three. The studies help generate transdecimal numerals for the products. The red numerals represent superior highly composite numbers {2, 6, 12, 60, 120, 360, 2520, 5040, 55440, …}. The purple numerals are elements of the highly composite number sequence. Blue numerals are peers n of the highly composite number that is less than the numeral, meaning that n has the same quantity of divisors as the HCN that is immediately less than n. Example, {12, 18, 20} all have the same quantity of divisors σ0 = 6, 12 is the smallest of these and is a HCN; 28 also has 6 divisors but exceeds the HCN 24. Thus {12, 18, 20} are peers with σ0 = 6. The pages were written 27 December 2007, Tayya 7b11, seven dozen eleventh phase (Salcyra-Lectajinal Xrga, “life phase of the Virtual Solid Order”), St. Louis.
This page last modified Saturday 14 April 2012.