The Samath Sketchbook
The Rykami Samaðena is a travelogue in words and pictures. Drawings alternated with a handwritten account of the travels. The addresses of friends grace the drawings. Some of my finest on-site ink drawings appear in the book, some winning awards. Many of the drawings are architectural analyses of places I see along the way. In the middle of the trip, stuck in various train stations leaving France, I resort to questioning myself (here appearing again as “Icarus”, the Son of the Flyer, a nickname taken from my last name, De Vlieger, which means the same thing) and where I am in my mid 20s. I identified with Icarus' excitedly pushing limits, possibly to my own tragic end. The goal had been to visit Ronchamp, France along with many of Lecorbusier's work. A French rail strike had me flee to Italy, to the familiar Val di Chiana to see friends there. The sketchbook is one of a series named after girlfriends, by now this particular dedicatee, a lover from 1993, long lost. The early intention of sketchbooks dedicated to lovers was to give them to the girl; thankfully this never actually happened.
Rentika Samaðenâ
This is the dedication page for the Rykami Samaðene, an ink drawing of a former girlfriend. |
Des Bátiments de France
Studies of buildings in Paris (left), Chartres (right), and Marseilles (top). This drawing won the 1998 AIA CPC Award for Architectural Drawing. |
Studies in Aix en Provence
Ballpoint ink drawings produced on site at Aix-en-Provence and on the train from Paris. |
Rainy Day Doorstep Sketch
This ballpoint ink sketch was produced during light rain from a doorway in Aix en Provence. |
Icarus Countercurrent and Study of a Tuscan ceiling
In 1997 I felt I was running against the currents around me; the people in the picture are coworkers and friends going the other way. Tuscan ceilings are fascinating and we had time while the meal was coming to study it. |
«Sei un ragazzo splendido»
This is a floor plan of my friends’ apartment in Foiano della Chiana, Italy, accompanied by a sketch of a hospital room in Arezzo. The page is signed by a couple friends. |
Piazza della Signoria, Firenze
A drawing of the palazzo and the piazza. The foreshortening of the tower really bugged me, so large did it loom. The sketch attracted a decent crowd. |
This page last modified Friday 12 May 2012.