4d virtual construction visualization logistics overview.

10 Year Retrospective | No. 10 of 10 | Brownfield Urban Retail | January 2014.

Let’s begin our tour with a recent fave! This project at a favorite location had me pull out the main model of that campus, refurbishing the terrain and refreshing the near and adjacent existing neighbors. I faced overcapacity with 4 other projects (R9119, A9158). My friend and mentor, architect John Guenther, FAIA lent a hand. His keen eye and adept modeling skills rectified the existing building. He handled enclosure and fenestration on the interior “bars”. I had to innovate a shortcut to rapidly handle the glazing, dropping some of my high standards to get the job done. The project did feature two waves of extreme surge time, rounding out in just over 5½ levels. (Visit the Next Project→ or use the navigation buttons above the picture above).

New Digs.

I love the dig sequence, how it mates with the existing building and terrain, and the engagement of a rock horizon. It’s a complex job and I tend to love these. The traffic channelization and community views are excellent, aided by a great set of basis documents. The context is rich and really helps tell a very convincing story-convincing enough to clinch the job!

The project is one of several dozen produced for a client that I've had the pleasure of serving since establishment. The client representative is confident and easygoing but knows what is needed. This confident and clear direction makes production glide along. When we have questions, the representative marshalls the resources of the project managers and strategists in the company and we have a brief but effective conference. Working with them is always a pleasure.

This is one of several major engagements on this noble campus: let’s start with wins for this client: A8A25, A8818, A80B0, A80A4. Project A80B6 was a loser, but a big favorite. I’ve also done another fave, A7A04 across the street. Click a picture below for more about this project, or visit its project page here. See the Next Project→

a9247-80 a9247-81 a9247-90

This page last modified Monday 22 September 2014.